The Short List: Carol Douis on Selling New Construction with Confidence in 2016

by Atlanta Agent


Carol Douis

Every week, we ask a real estate professional for their Short List, a collection of tips and recommendations on an essential topic in real estate.This week, we talked with Carol Douis, a vice president at New Home Star, for her perspective on selling new construction in 2016.

The most respected Buyer Representatives are connectors. They connect buyers to the very best lenders, inspectors, closing attorneys and yes, homebuilders. They help to make the buying decisions and  process easier. To be successful in selling your share of new construction you must do your home work.

The following are some tips on how you can best work for and represent your client. Once you become comfortable you will find selling new construction is easy, less emotional and limited follow up is needed on your end.

5. Partner with Builders you Respect – Decide in advance which builders to work with by doing  your research. When you view new construction you may then educate your client with the knowledge you have gained. Explain to them why you believe this builder is a match for them. Let them know you have done your due diligence and should they find the home of their dreams they can feel confident moving forward.  Become an Educated Professional.

4. Understand the Benefits of – Why Buy New – The builder representative can help you here. New homes are built to higher standards for energy efficiency and safety and have the features today’s buyers expect. Builder warranties give peace of mind. No repairs or updates needed. This will help your buyer determine just what is most important to them when deciding between a resale and new construction. Why new may be Better.

3. Preview Homes and Build Relationships – Realtors seek to match buyer needs and wants with the best home. On site agents are there to make it easier to find the best plan and homesite. Builder representatives welcome Realtors to visit in advance to get a good feel for the homes, features, neighborhood, amenities, warranties and unique selling propositions. Recommend with Confidence.

2. Don’t fear the unknown – You can still be in your comfort zone and in control.  Keep a file of notes and information on your area builders. Have the representative help you by giving you a  general understanding of how the showing, contract and build process works for their builder. Do they build inventory homes, do they customize, what is the build time, how do they price their homes, are their incentives for buyers, who is the preferred lender, what is the builder deposit schedule. Knowledge is Power.   

1. Communicate – Communication is key in all relationships. Realtors should check in regularly with builders to learn about their latest projects.  Fostering this relationship keeps you top of mind when there is news that can help your buyers, help you to sell more homes and make more money. When you visit with your client, let the site agent know how much time you have to spend, share your buyers hot buttons, wants and needs, time frame and desired investment. This will help the representative help you and your clients to narrow down to that one of a kind home faster. Time is money.

Carol Douis is a vice president at New Home Star, a national new home sales and marketing company. Douis brings 25-plus years of successful sales leadership and experience to serve homebuilders and developers in the areas of sales strategy, coaching, training, positioning and organizational development. In Atlanta, Ms. Douis was VP of sales for John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods for eight years, and currently is proud to lead the sales efforts for Atlanta-based FrontDoor Communities.

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  • D Rice says:

    Great actionable advice, Carol! Thank you.

  • dana says:

    Great perspective.I am so proud to be part of Carol’s sales team. She is an amazing leader. Thanks for all you do!

  • V. Douis says:

    I never fail to learn something or gain a new insight daily in Lake Carolina how to better help my clients find a house that grows into a home where memories are made. I have the great please to work with the best builders in South Carolina. Thank you Carol for your mentoring

  • Micci Naegele says:

    Excellent tips for agents working with new construction. We are extremely fortunate to have the pleasure of working with such a successful coach and mentor. Thank you Carol!

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