Mitch Levinson is managing partner with Marketing RELEVANCE and the author of “Internet Marketing: The Key to New Home Sales.”
Blog? Check. Facebook? Check. Now what? Twitter. This micro-blogging social media network is the third key component to any good social media program. Many real estate agents and homebuilders have no problem seeing the benefit of using a blog or Facebook, but are a little more uncertain when it comes to tweeting.
Twitter & Real Estate
Remember the days of instant messaging? While IMing with your friends and co-workers may not be as prevalent, sending instant messages to the world in a 140 characters or less via Twitter is important for any brand.
Still confused as to what a tweet is or why you’re starting to see people using hashtags everywhere? Here’s the scoop on common Twitter lingo:
- @mRELEVANCE – the ampersand followed by your username is considered your Twitter handle (ours is mRELEVANCE)
- Tweet – a post on Twitter
- When replying to a tweet, type @username and then your tweet
- RT (retweet) is essentially a way of forwarding a message to your followers
- # or hashtag is a method for categorizing tweets, searching for specific subjects and tracking trending topics
- D@username allows you to send a direct (private) message
Speaking the language now? Then, it’s time to start tweeting:
- Links to your blog posts, industry articles, local events, etc.
- Photos and videos of your new homes, communities, amenities and local area
- Specific homeowners or agents to talk with them or congratulate them
- Reply or RT information from industry experts, interior designers, home-related magazines or local businesses
Unlike other social media platforms, tweets have a shorter shelf life, which means it’s acceptable to send out more information throughout the day and even send the same content multiple times. Studies have found that the best time to tweet is during the early afternoon during the week and not on weekends or in the evening. However, you will want to check your analytics and see what works best for your company as this will vary.
Of course, sending out a lot of information won’t do you or your brand much good if there isn’t anyone listening to you. So, be sure to engage in conversations with other Twitter users and use the site’s search function to find those who are tweeting information relevant to your company. As a real estate professional or homebuilder, this generally means following local agents, homeowners, homebuyers, industry information sources, local businesses, local news sources, interior design firms and magazines.
Think you have it all down? Start building your network of followers and sharing your good news!
Mitch Levinson, MIRM, CAPS, CGP, CSP is managing partner with Marketing RELEVANCE and the author of “Internet Marketing: The Key to New Home Sales” published by BuilderBooks. He is an Internet marketing expert with expertise in search engine optimization, website development, email marketing, social media and CRM consulting services. If you’re looking to improve your online presence through website development or mobile website design, contact Marketing RELEVANCE or connect with Mitch Levinson on Google+.