Gloria Valvasori with Better Homes & Gardens is 67 years old, raising three grandchildren, a full-time Realtor and a whiz at SEO and social media marketing!
Now before you say she must have been a computer geek all along, nothing could be further from the truth. A competitive personality, Valvasori began attending SEO training classes at her Better Homes office. After applying those lessons to her WordPress website, and investing her time on her ActiveRain blog and social media accounts, she was on the first page of Google search results for Mississauga real estate – after just six months of implementation.
Valvasori also integrates her various outlets in creative ways, and has seen her followers spike as a result. In the space of seven weeks – during which she posted simultaneously to Facebook and Twitter, routed stories from her blog to her website and engaged in LinkedIn, Pinterest and ActiveRain – Valvasori increased her Facebook page ‘likes’ from just 185 to more than 1,000 (she’s currently at 1,040).
Valvasori realized that her time is a precious commodity, especially with three grandchildren she wants to spend time with, so by leveraging the technology available today she has made her business more productive and profitable.
In this video interview Valvasori shares:
- The attitude you need to win online
- How to overcome F.E.A.R.
- Simple Facebook strategies that you can use
- And much, much more
You can visit Gloria at her web site or email her
Michael Krisa is a licensed real estate broker, a syndicated columnist and a freelance Internet marketing consultant. As a sought after speaker and trainer, he is best known for helping agents to utilize video and video marketing in a way that actually works to make them money! Michael has been nominated for both the Inman News Innovators Award and Inman News People Choice 100 Most Influential People in Real Estate, and with over 400 interviews to his credit, Michael has become recognized as “That Interview Guy” and has become the Trusted Voice For Real Estate Professionals. You can enjoy Michael’s work by visiting his blog at: or email him