Every week, we ask an Atlanta real estate professional for their thoughts on the top trends in Atlanta real estate.
This week, we talked with Todd Trader, a Realtor with PalmerHouse Properties in Atlanta. Licensed since 1995, Todd is a full-service agent specializing in re-sell residential, land/lots/acreage, foreclosures, short sales and HUD homes.
Atlanta Agent (AA): Are there any areas in metro Atlanta that you think are poised for strong real estate activity in 2015?
Todd Trader (TT): The metro Atlanta market as a whole has been rebounding very well. I’ve been seeing the reports and stats showing this area to be one of the hottest and strongest in the nation. It is as well to predict Atlanta to maintain that positive growth and activity.
But digging deeper into your question, I think the reporting metrics haven’t accounted for job growth and falling fuel prices. Those will have a positive impact throughout all of metro Atlanta. Saying that, understand metro Atlanta has always been a mobile community, with so many public venues spread out. Hence urban sprawl.
To pinpoint an answer will have to be just as broad. Some municipalities have been growing by serving the needs of their respective communities, and the ones that are doing a great job are getting the net growth.
Thus far and I don’t see any quick change, but North Fulton, Cobb, Gwinnett and the northern outlay of Dekalb County are now experiencing and are poised for a real explosion.
AA: What’s your overall impression of the market? Are there any things that worry you, as 2015 takes shape?
TT: Overall economic caution as a whole is still very prevalent. If anything worries me about 2015, though, it is not about the real estate market, but moreso myself as a professional.
Have I evolved enough in today’s economy and with today’s technology to remain cost effective? Savvy? That is not only concerning the marketing of my clients product, but myself as well, to be able to elicit positive conversations and experiences.
AA: Finally, what strategies do you follow, when it comes to marketing your business?
TT: Twenty years later, some things just don’t change. Though we are to believe otherwise through vendors marketing, our success and new business can be bought. But really, the most important element I have learned in this industry is not how much money I can make, but really how much do I keep.
I use social media and maintain an Internet presence, but I don’t let them dominate my efforts, time and money. Really here of late, I’ve gone back to “old school” of door knocking and hand shaking.
That strategy has always been fail-safe whenever I need new business or a bump in income, and it brings with it needed personal one-on-one communication, which adds life and personality advertising that social media can’t bring to the table.