Nutrition specialist
A teacher or a doctor
Go for a walk, diffuse essential oils, plant herbs, listen to meditation music, detox epsom salt baths, prayer, take my dog for a walk, listen to a good podcast
Eunice Kennedy Shriver because she saw how unjustly and unfairly people with intellectual disabilities were treated. She decided to take action.
Dekalb Farmers Market, Fernbank IMAX Theater, the Beltline, Castleberry Hill.
A growing number of people are opting to live chemical-free, and some are seeking to buy homes with as few volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as possible.
As a certified building biology advocate, I test every home before buying with an EMF, EF, RF meter, and I have radon testing and a mold specialist on hand. As a holistic Realtor, I guide clients through the real estate experience while taking the well-being of the whole person — mind, body and soul — into account.
When a client does not get approved for a loan, I tell them not to give up. They got this.
Share what you love.
Kiss the Ground and Down to Earth on Netflix
All vegan dining
The Healey Building, the Fox Theater and the Flatiron Building.
I set off the alarm, and the police showed up.
I’m the founder of Non-Toxic Georgia.
Florida’s 30A. Beach time!
Treat everyone like family.
Showing Time, Homesnap
Chip & Joanna Gaines, Zach Bush MD, Elisa Song MD, Health & Natural Living, So Vegan, Property Brother.