Cathy Iannotti Principal

The Iannotti Breen Group, COMPASS

What was your most interesting job before going into real estate?
Teaching financial software computer programs to traders on the trading floor of investment banks. Now, in 2024, computers manage buying and selling of stocks, so working for one of the first companies to offer computer software to trading floors was super amazing, such a transitional phase with technology in the 1980s and 1990s.
Where did you grow up?
A small town of 14,000 people in Alabama called Sylacauga.
Growing up, what did you want to be?
A psychiatrist. I was always trying to understand the different emotions, feelings, anger, etc., in everyone I met. I just wanted to get inside their brain and find ways to help or better the way they were approaching life or any big obstacles in their lives. Even today, I would love to be in that field of study, but at 63, I think 30 years in real estate allows me to still study the emotions, etc., of our clients’ actions. It’s always different, and it never get old.
What do you do to relax when you’re stressed?
A deep-tissue massage works every time. Followed by hanging out in the park, lying in the grass and just gazing at the sky. Very relaxing.
If you could meet any well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why?
John Wayne. Every day after school I would come home, and my Mom was always watching an old Western movie. I read all about his life, his sports at University of Southern California and then his move into acting. He seemed so cool and his voice so deep, I would love to sit and listen to him talk about his life. He seemed like a pure, solid, honest, confident and caring man. So I share the interest in him due to my mom’s interest. It kind of rubbed off on me.
What is Atlanta’s best-kept secret?
The people. There is this thought that people in the South are not so smart and not very successful or sophisticated. It’s so amazing, the number of times people from the Northeast or other parts of the U.S. say how much they love Atlanta, that the people are so so nice, they could easily live here because everyone is so kind. Now with all the large companies that have moved to Atlanta, I think the other parts of the nation are now realizing you can love your neighbor, people are kind and help each other. The people are the key to our city.
What do you love most about the industry?
I love, love, love networking and meeting new people. The fear of missing out creeps into my mind, and the one thing that removes that fear is stepping out of my comfort zone and going out of my way to meet who I find interesting. Every client is so different, I love knowing about their personal lives, their new grandchildren, the way they love their pets, their pastimes. It’s such a discovery for me, and I love the fact I have that opportunity. But I do have to admit, I also love the thrill of a deal. I love to negotiate, and I am super super happy when I’m able to obtain/win the best offer for my clients. I think the challenge keeps me happy and pushing for more.
How do you distinguish yourself from the crowd of agents?
I stay humble! In the luxury market, I think most people have it wrong. They don’t want to see a shiny car or slick agent or a model agent show off. Yes, I do try videos, etc., for marketing, but anyone that knows me  really knows I am the most humble person ever. I am happy to get down in muddy basements to find a problem for my client. Nothing is below me. I am human, have a big heart and am humble. I want people who want to work with me due to my humility and my knowledge. 100% trust is what I seek.
What is the most difficult aspect of your job?
When I work for clients that are in financial distress and/or divorce stress. It really hurts my heart hearing about their personal lives, their kids, how life is changing for them. That is tough for me.
What’s your best advice for generating new leads?
Old-fashioned networking. It doesn’t cost a dime to walk your dog and meet friends on the way, strike up a conversation at the car wash, compliment the lady behind you in the super market and strike up a conversation, become involved in your community and your favorite nonprofits. Leads become new friends, new friends give referrals.
What are you binge-watching/reading/listening to lately?
I’m watching Your Honor on Netflix. My new favorite musical artist is Jellyroll. His story of prison and getting out and pulling his life together is amazing, and I love his truth in his songs. I am reading a book given to me by a good friend, and it’s very eye-opening and really makes you think about life and helps you look inside yourself, which most people, including myself, never really take the time to do. The book is called Conversations with God.
What’s your favorite meal in Atlanta?
Le Coloniel
Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Atlanta?
I don’t really have a favorite one. I love the contemporary look of the new condo high rises, The St. Charles condo building, where brokerage is on the first floor, is extremely beautiful. Anything transitional with lots of windows, slightly contemporary is my style.
What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you on the job?
I was showing a vacant home but was surprised when my buyer and I went upstairs and found an older man sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor. We immediately left. Creepy!
What’s one thing people are surprised to learn about you?
I am addicting to chocolate, and I’m happy to have good genes, so I don’t gain too much weight. I can eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
What is your favorite vacation spot and why?
Costa Rica
What is your favorite city after Atlanta?
Sylacauga, Alabama, is my favorite. The second would be Montecito, California.
In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry?
Have savings to fall back on for your first two years, and never give up.
What’s your favorite real estate iPhone/Android app?
Who are your favorite people to follow on social media?
Tom Ferry, Tony Robbins, Sara Blakley and her husband, Jesse Itzler
What are your social media handles?
I don’t really have any.

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