Vicki Treadwell is a Realtor with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage at the 400 North/Lake Lanier office.
Every week, we ask an Atlanta real estate professional for their thoughts on the top trends in Atlanta real estate.
This week, we talked with Vicki Treadwell, a top-producing Realtor with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. A licensed Realtor since Nov. 1989, Vicki is active in the Forsyth, Dawson, Hall, Gwinnett and North Fulton markets, and has achieved numerous accolades over the years, including: Lifetime Member Million Dollar Club from 1989 to the present; Top Dozen Sales Award from 1989 to 2001; the Phoenix Award in 2002; the Crystal Award in 2012; and an International Diamond Society induction in 2012.
Atlanta Agent (AA): Lending remains historically tight nationwide; are your clients running into any financing problems? And what changes would you like to see banks make to the lending process, if any?
Vicki Treadwell (VT): Lending does not seem to be a problem in my area. Look into working with a local brokerage company or one affiliated with a national company. There is strength in a company that has power behind it. Just speaking to a lender to know IF you can qualify is great – who better to help you (and has motivation to do so) to get you in a position to be able to qualify? They will HELP you clean up any issues and tell you just what you need to do, free of charge!
Online brokerages are not as personable, and you seem to be just a number. I would like to see banks keep you informed of the process better. Sometimes you do not know there is a problem until a few days prior to a closing and then…the drama kicks in trying to resolve the issue.
AA: Apple announced the iPhone 6 last week, and it’s received plenty of coverage from the real estate press; how do you incorporate technology into your real estate business?
VT: Having data bases online and at your fingertips is always good. Clients and customers who are tech savvy will appreciate that you are as well.
School yourself on the programs and practice in spare time, so you will have the opportunity to show off your skills.
AA: Finally, what would your advice be to agents who are struggling to find clients and secure listings?
VT: Wear your nametag and look very presentable wherever you go – even if it is down the street to the drugstore or supermarket. You never know when you will have the opportunity to speak to someone about your ability to help them. If you are in sweats and an old t-shirt, you might not speak up, but you will if you look good!
Volunteer in your community, and wear your nametag and a company logo shirt or t-shirt when doing so. Farm your neighborhood – how many of your neighbors actually know that you are an agent? Help anyone who comes along; renters, after all are just future homeowners, who are your clients! You never know if that first-time startup buyer has family and friends that are million-dollar buyers you will have the opportunity to help.