When Selling, Don’t Forget About the Yard!

by Peter Thomas Ricci

Landscaping is something we often take for granted or overlook when it comes to selling homes, but a new study from Line/Shape/Space finds serious value in good landscaping.


Spring officially began this Wednesday, and few images more perfectly complement the spring season than healthy, blooming plants – from vibrant bushes, to swaying tall grass, to colorful marigolds, the lush landscaping that will take shape in the coming weeks all but defines this time of the year.

And classy landscaping, as any good real estate agent knows, is an important component to a successful home sale; after all, though there have certainly been plenty of home sold without hostas and sunflowers positioned out front, there’s no doubt that cleanly organized, well-attended plants and landscaping make for a more attractive property. If you don’t believe us, compare the photo above to this shining example and get back to us!

Landscaping with Line/Shape/Space

So, it behooves any real estate agent to recommend landscaping for their clients’ properties – how much value, though, will landscaping add to the client’s property? What costs will they accrue in updating their residence’s landscaping? And finally, monetary value aside, what are the other benefits of landscaping? Line/Shape/Space, a website that focuses on all matters of marketing and design, explored those questions in an infographic, which you can see in full below.

But finally, to answer our question above, on how much good landscaping is worth – according to Line/Shape/Space’s research, good landscaping can add as much as 14 percent to the home’s resale price, and quicken the home’s sale period by as much as six weeks.


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