Experienced Agents Need Assistance, Too!
A slightly different approach may be necessary for advising established agents, who face their own types of challenges. The company offers counseling and consultation for experienced agents who hope to become top producers. Floyd recommends that agents who have not quite gotten to where they want to be develop a solid strategy and a business plan.
“Most sales people and most real estate agents are really just winging it,” he said. “They really haven’t taken the time to develop a really great strategy and a plan.”
Experienced agents also sometimes get caught out by new or unfamiliar technology, a situation that Floyd says requires brokerages to educate them so that they feel more comfortable with apps, online property searches, spreadsheets and other search and analytics tools.
Ellingson also hears from experienced agents who struggle with technology. He provides instruction for agents at any level who need to familiarize themselves with such tools.
“I often find with associates who have been in the business for a long time there may be some individuals who are less comfortable with the new technology that’s entered the real estate arena,” he said. “Oftentimes they’re afraid to ask for help.”
Other experienced agents may just need a little help fine-tuning their business plan or picking up new skills to rise to a higher level.
“I often find that it may be just one or two insecurities or skill-building opportunities that can take the agent to that next level,” he said. “Sometimes it’s just a simple reaffirmation of goals to get somebody excited about real estate again.”