Have you made your real estate resolutions yet?


The end of 2017 is fast approaching, marking a time when most think back on everything that happened in the past year and set New Year’s resolutions to have an even better 2018.

Whether you resolve to call your Aunt Linda once a week, watch every episode of “The Simpsons” in chronological order or eat an apple a day, the common motivation behind resolutions is the same: to achieve a goal. And while some may focus on resolutions to improve their private lives, it’s equally as important to do so for your professional life.

If you want to get more new leads, improve relationships with previous clients or simply make more money than in 2017, making a physical — or digital, if you must — list is important. If not, they’ll just be abstract thoughts that’ll end up falling by the wayside by February, like 80 percent of resolutions.

Resolutions can be complex or they can be simple; they can focus on big changes or they can be more modest in their ultimate goals. Inman recently outlined the five simplest resolutions agents can make to lead to a more prosperous year, including:

  • Turning the phone off for five minutes a day.
  • Get one new lead a week.
  • Post once a week on your social media networks.
  • Complete your continuing education at least a week before it’s due.
  • Outfit your car to make it a more comfortable mobile office.

Making a few specific changes in your business and routines next year can lead to growth in your professional life, more leads and better productivity next year.

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