Study: Atlanta among smartest U.S. cities 

by John Yellig

A recent study ranked Atlanta 20th among 370 U.S. cities for leadership in tech-driven urban development. 

CoWorkingCafe conducted the survey, which analyzed the cities based on 13 key metrics, including AI and Internet of Things (IoT) companies, free Wi-Fi, zero-waste programs, broadband speeds, advertised tech jobs, electric-vehicle (EV) charging spots, LEED-certified green buildings and more. 

“The concept of smart cities has evolved from a futuristic vision to a tangible reality, with urban centers worldwide integrating technology and sustainability to enhance the quality of life for their residents,” the study explains. “These cities employ data analytics, innovative infrastructure and eco-friendly initiatives to create connected and efficient urban environments.” 

Atlanta ranked No. 3 for coworking spaces (120), No. 4 for EV-charging stations (661) and No. 5 for free Wi-Fi spots (150) and airports (two). 



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