Three Mistakes That Can Keep You From Reaching Your Full Potential

by Peter Thomas Ricci

By Bob Corcoran

The great American poet John Greenleaf Whittier wrote, “For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: ‘It might have been!’”

And it’s the saddest part of my job: seeing potential left on the table. I see it far too often. So I’m dedicating this article to help you identify what I’ve come to learn about why so many agents and brokers aren’t reaching their fullest potential.

    1. Going it alone. No doubt, these are tough times for brokers and agents. The economy has been smacking the real estate market around left and right and it’s left some ugly bruises. But one thing I’m seeing clearly is that those Realtors who are surrounding themselves with support (team members, assistants, coworkers, coaches and the like) are surviving the storm. Actually, some are doing better than surviving – many are thriving. They realized early on that they simply couldn’t do it all alone. Something else Whittier wrote was this: “I’ll lift you and you lift me, and we’ll both ascend together.” If you’re feeling roughed up by the market these days, take some time to find support and surround yourself with the right people, those who can help you get on the right path and stay there. Start with me if you want. Email me today at Article@CorcoranCoaching.com and I’ll send you two articles that can help you free of charge: “Actions to Take When You’re Blocked” and “Fear or Confidence: Which are You Choosing?”


    1. Not treating real estate like a business. In my 20 years as a coach, one scenario I see regularly is this: agents who got into the business for the wrong reasons. They knew some agents who were evidently making a good living (they liked the kind of car the agent was driving or the larger than average house he or she lived in) and decided to take their own shot at riches. But that’s where it started and stopped. They never realized that real estate is a truly bona-fide business. What’s more (and what’s key) is it must be run like a business. Agents and brokers need to be CEOs and do all the things a successful CEO does to keep a business in the black. Create a real and thoughtful business plan that allows you to capitalize on your strengths so that you really can reach your true potential.


  1. Not staying focused on the right activities. List, sell, prospect and negotiate. Those are the four words you need to focus on to be successful. Those are the activities that agents and brokers really sign up for when they enter the profession. Everything else will eventually land you in the swamp of mediocrity. It’s not always entirely an agent’s fault for not focusing on these four items. Many real estate schools don’t cover these fundamentals. I know because the agents and brokers who take my agent ramp up program for the basic skill sets are always surprised by just how much time they were spending on non-dollar productive tasks. When we get them realigned on listing, selling, prospecting and negotiating, they soar to new heights.

I’ll leave you with one more Whittier quote: “Give fools their gold, and knaves their power; let fortune’s bubbles rise and fall; who sows a field, or trains a flower, or plants a tree, is more than all.”

Bob Corcoran is a nationally recognized speaker and author who is founder and president of Corcoran Consulting Inc. (CorcoranCoaching.com, 800-957-8353), an international consulting and coaching company that specializes in performance coaching and the implementation of sound business systems into the residential or commercial broker or agent’s existing practice. We look forward to hearing from you. Sign up TODAY for your complimentary business consultation: www.CorcoranCoaching.com/bpw.php.

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