The Discipline Factor

by Peter Thomas Ricci

Craig Witt

It’s amazing how climate can change attitude and production. We are so fortunate to have seasonal change in our region; fortunate because along with market changes, simple things like sunshine can get everyone moving again.

This cyclical change in our industry not only affects Realtors, but it affects our customers. Now, I know some agents stay busy all year long, but you must admit, there is something in the air right now and it’s been bustling since March 1st in most markets.

I will be the first to remind everyone that life happens and real estate is moving every day of the year, but the question always comes down to who is getting the lions share of the business and it becomes pretty obvious when the market turns through the heat of the summer, then again just before Christmas and the holiday’s.

The best recruiting months of the year are December and July historically, and good broker/owners understand this, so they set themselves up to seize the opportunity when it comes. If we have this historical data on recruiting and overall real estate sales, why don’t more agents see the trend and position themselves financially for the change?

This is not rocket science. The real estate business is easily mastered with the specialization of one tool: discipline. You see, it’s my belief the most successful agents are the ones that have figured this simple business out. Not only do they understand networking, diversification and education, but they have an enormous amount of discipline.

Discipline can account for the successes of many in leadership and those that are among the highest earners. They have the uncanny knack of not only wanting it more badly than their counterpart, but they make a strategic plan to ensure their success in reaching whatever goal they set. They are focused and disciplined.

Do you have a goal? A strategic plan? A “why” in your life that makes you get up every day? Or do you simply bump along through life satisfied with mediocrity hoping that someday your ship will come in. Let me reference a quote: “If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to it.” You see, even if your ship does come in, someone has to unload it. There is still effort involved and at the end of the day, you can really only count on yourself. Maybe it’s time you figure out if you want more; many agents claim to want more, but few are willing to do what it takes to get there.

Success comes in different ways to different people. One thing I know is that as I travel around, most agents tell me they wish they could have more; more listings, more buyers, more rental properties, more money in the bank, and the list goes on. Figure out what it is you want more of, draw a picture of it on post it notes and paste them all over your house so you cannot possibly forget why you get out of bed each day. In the meantime, identify your inner specialty, find your discipline factor, and focus on that.


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