Improving Your Business

Stories, articles and advice aimed at improving your business

Where Should Your Ad Dollars Go?

It’s always a tricky task, cleverly allocating where your ad dollars should go, but a new study on advertising trends offers some stern guidance. Advertising is normally one of the largest expenses that real estate agents accrue in their

Fill Your Bookshelves

When you own a bookstore, you want your shelves to be filled with good books – just like agents should always have good listings, explains Craig Witt of EXIT Realty. I want you to pretend you are in small

Sprucing Up Your Home for the Spring Real Estate Market

How do you freshen up your residence for potential buyers, with the spring homebuying season approaching? David Cieslak of Signature Staging explains. With winter officially over (on the calendar), now is a great time to open up those windows

Are Facebook’s Promoted Posts Worth the Dough?

Facebook offers businesses many marketing tools, but is its latest initiative, “promoted posts,” worth your marketing dollars? Marketing in real estate is all about utilizing different channels in unique ways, and it’s no mystery that Facebook is among the

Zillow, Trulia Market Share Up in 2013

New data from Experian on real estate Web traffic finds the previous kings of the Internet increasing their market share in 2013. The top real estate websites around have continued to increase their share of the Web traffic pie

Are There Downsides to ‘Top Producer’ Status?

The ‘Top Producer’ status is the sacred cow of real estate, but are there downsides to the distinction? The “Top Producer” label is one that quite a few real estate agents aspire to, and for good reason – you

3 Ways to Stay Focused as an Agent

Keeping your focus can be a Herculean task sometimes, but we’ve got three tips to help you lead a clear-minded, centered business. Imagine, if you will, a most common of scenarios in the real estate life: you’re browsing the

How to Avoid a Realtor’s Nightmare

It’s a Realtor’s nightmare: after closing, it becomes apparent that zoning regulations won’t let your client complete the home renovation of her dreams. The reality is, Realtors are obligated to know municipal regulations concerning real estate and stay on top

Can Real Estate Agents Create Bidding Wars?

Bidding wars are normally the ultimate sign of a hot real estate market, that demand for real estate is so stratospheric that prospective homebuyers are nearly falling over themselves with offers for the homes. Bidding wars had been in

Stand Out From Your Competition: 3 Guaranteed Ways to Get Noticed

The real estate industry is crowded; everyone these days seems to be a Realtor. So how do you differentiate yourself from other agents? How do you stand out, get people to notice you, like you and use your services?

Is Your Listing a “Pinball?”

A “pinball property,” “pinball listing” or “setup listing,” as it’s also called, can be a real estate agent’s best friend – just as long as they’re not the ones listing the property. It’s not a new term, but the

Capitalize On These Top 2013 Real Estate Trends

“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”-Yogi Berra Wouldn’t the real estate business be so much easier if we all had crystal balls? Well, you do have a crystal ball. I have one, too. We all do.

Why You Should Stress In-Person Communication

Cell phones and email may make communication more convenient, but they pale in comparison to the most traditional form of all – in-person communication. Few industries are more reliant on clear communication than real estate. As any agent will

How Are Your Potential Clients Searching For You Online?

Find out how people search for real estate agents on Google and other search engines. It’s no secret that people are searching for real estate agents online. They pull up Google on a laptop, iPad or cell phone and

3 Homebuying Trends to Look For This Spring

The spring homebuying season is traditionally the most active time of the year for real estate agents, and these three trends will define 2013’s season. Though the weather may not be cooperating here in Chicago, the spring season has

Your Social Search Engine Network, Google+

If you’ve been following along with my monthly blogs, your social media program should be coming together nicely. You’ve learned about the importance of blogging, Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube. However, while those are the big four, you shouldn’t

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