Agent Snapshot: Melissa Morgan, Sales Associate, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Metro Atlanta


Melissa Morgan is a sales associate with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices in Metro Atlanta

What was your first job in the realty industry? My first job in real estate was in property management. I managed a 25-unit building in Seattle overlooking Lake Union and the Space Needle. I loved that I could live in the city and know every one of my neighbors.

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Incline Village, Nevada, a small resort town on the north shore of Lake Tahoe.

Growing up, what did you want to be? I can remember wanting to be a flight attendant. I wanted to travel the world and meet all kinds of people and see how they lived. There was just something so chic about their uniforms and watching them hustle through the airports. I often dreamt about their adventures.

What do you do to relax when you’re stressed? The best stress release is tickling my kids at the end of the day. It’s quick and fun, and it releases every bit of tension. They laugh so hysterically, and we end up rolling on the floor together. Their laughter and giggles are a great reminder of why I do what I do everyday.

If you could have lunch with a well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why? Barbara Walters. There’s a lady who changed standards and earned the respect of millions, all the while doing what she loved and sticking to her guns.

Where is your favorite place to hang out? The ballpark on a summer day.

What do you love most about the industry? It’s never the same day twice. Ever.

How do you distinguish yourself from the crowd of agents? I work for people, so I focus on them. So many in “the crowd” focus on the transaction of selling a home, and they forget the people living in it.

What is the most difficult aspect of your job? The most difficult thing is striking a balance between family and work. While I work full time, it’s certainly not a 9-5 schedule, and both my clients and my family have to share me and my time.

Where do you go to network and meet new clients? I don’t have a go-to routine for meeting new clients. However, I do build on the relationships I have and work to maintain an outstanding reputation within that circle.

What has been your greatest accomplishment? Starting my business from scratch in a market where I knew nothing and no one.

What was the last good movie you saw or book you read? “10% Happier,” by Dan Harris. (Loved it, by the way!)

What is your favorite restaurant? Rickshaw Tavern. Yummo!

Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Atlanta? Ponce City Market. It’s timeless and exemplifies the area, both then and now.

What kind of car do you drive? A Toyota Sequoia. I refer to her as “Big Blue.”

Smartphone or paper? Paper. I like to have everything sprawled out in front of me and see the big picture.

What is your favorite city after Atlanta? Hands down, Seattle wins. Love the waterfront, the food and the architecture.

In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry? Get a mentor and a really good address book.

What’s your favorite real estate iPhone/Android app? Waze. Atlanta traffic is dreadful, in every sense of the word. The app saves me time and a few gray hairs.

Who are your favorite people to follow on Twitter? George Takei and John Cusack.

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