The Short List: Tana Brewster’s Great Lead Generation Tips in the Internet Age

by Peter Thomas Ricci


Tana Brewster is an associate broker with Your Savvy Atlantan Team in Greater Atlanta

Every week, we ask a real estate professional for their Short List, a collection of tips and recommendations on an essential topic in real estate. This week, we talked with Tana Brewster, an associate broker the founder of Your Savvy Atlantan Team with PalmerHouse Properties & Associates, who shared with us her great lead generation tips in the Internet age.

Every agent wants to know the latest and greatest tool for lead generation. The fact of the matter is there are so many ways to be successful in this business. I think every story of success is learning what your strength is and, just like Nike’s slogan, “Just do it” everyday.

There is no getting around social media; it’s something you need to utilize in your business, and it’s a great resource for lead generation.

My three favorites are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Listen more than talking, and you will hear conversations on these platforms that will lead to opportunity and “leads.”

Here’s five things to start doing today to generate leads:

5. Pick one social media platform, get to know it well and look for ways to stand out and be different. Post interesting things. Read friends’ posts and tweets that might mean they are either relocating, downsizing or possibly purchasing a new home. Time block each day to utilize this for lead generation. I generally spend one hour on social media lead generation.

4. Keep in mind you should always approach from a giving spirit. People want to do business with people they can trust. Earn their trust by being interested in them, and cultivate the relationship first. Connect with them on LinkedIn, and send them a personal message or congratulate them on a new job!

3. Provide good content and be a good resource. Don’t be pushy or constantly post just your stuff about your business or your personal listings. Keep in mind it’s not about ” you”but “them”!

2. If Facebook is what you feel most comfortable with, then learn how to create groups and various lists of your friends based on area, school or business. Act interested and reach out to these core groups you created. Reconnect with them, and maybe grab coffee or lunch!

1. Find your niche and find ways to stand out. Start local and grow it big! Define a territory and become the area expert or the “go-to person” for that area. Tweet, blog and post interesting things that relate to your local area or town – such as your towns Facebook business pages – and follow them on Twitter so you can keep up with what’s important in your area of expertise.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so your social media strategy will take some time. Be patient, and remember success is a marathon, not a sprint. Having a plan and strategy will help you nurture relationships that will give you lasting referrals.

Tana Brewster is an associate broker the founder of Your Savvy Atlantan Team with PalmerHouse Properties & Associates. Licensed since 2007, Tana is also a member of the Atlanta Board of Realtors. Her team helps sellers and buyers throughout the Greater Atlanta Area, specifically Alpharetta, Cumming and other North Metro Communities. She is ABR, CDPE, EPRO and IMSD certified.

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